Friday, July 4, 2014

House Group Asked to go Slow on Mighty

The House of Representatives and other government agencies were asked to slow down in looking to the allegations of under-declaration of products of local tobacco and Filipino owned Mighty Corporation.

House Group Asked to go Slow on Mighty

Ako-Bicol party-list Solon Rodel Batocabe said the investigation conducted in the Congress into “unscrupulous entities” in the cigarette industry should not focus only on one company but the entire industry.

If we were to investigate, let us not single out one company but [look into] the entire industry to prevent any unnecessary innuendos or speculations.” said Batocabe.

The Ways and Means member Solon was pointing to the allegations of under-declaration of products against local player Mighty Corporation .

Mighty Corporation makes and sells cigarettes at P1 per stick, which categorizes the products under the low-end tier subject to the cheapest sin tax rate.

Batocabe said the ongoing probe by the Committee on Ways and Means headed by Marikina City Rep. Romero Federico Quimbo should look at the issue from all avenues to prevent prejudging and singling out anybody.

As member of the Ways and Means committee, I believe that any investigation to be conducted should be objective and fair.” Batocabe said.

And the only interest which we should protect is that of the government.” added the party list rep.

Kabataan party-list Rep. Terry Ridon also raised an alarm to Congress to not unduly shake down Mighty, which is a legitimate Filipino company in existence for 68 years.

Mighty is the only Filipino-owned integrated tobacco producer of popular, low-priced cigarette brands, such as “La Campanilla,” “Magkaibigan” and “Campana Ringing Bell.

... We will always be in defense of national firms against offensives of foreign firms to force it out of business.” Ridon said, pointing out that local companies such as Mighty Corporation should be supported for providing livelihood to millions of Filipinos apart from the fact that it is paying billions in taxes to the government.

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